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The Hitchhiker

Stuck in a dead-end job, and still burned from his unfaithful ex’s cheating, Jacob’s hopes for romance are on lockdown. He may be cute and smart, but his love life is colder than the harsh Chicago winter.

Enter mysterious hitchhiker Cain, only five years younger but the playful antithesis of Jacob’s reserve. Physically confident and oozing sex-appeal, as soon as he slips his lithe body into the passenger seat, Jacob knows he’s facing trouble.

An unexpected road trip may be a work chore for Jacob, but for Cain it’s the chance to finally escape the cookie-cutter life mapped out for him, even if he hasn’t got a clue what he’ll do instead. The attraction between the two may be all-but undeniable, but Jacob learned the hard way that bad boys and worse choices can come back to bite you, and taking the risk of admitting what he wants might be a step too far.

Two hot guys each with a difficult past. One long drive to sunny San Francisco. On this trip, the slow lane just isn’t an option.

This is an M/M story with adult themes and intended for an adult audience.